I've been injured for the past week or so.
Chiro said no lifting and no weight on my shoulders.
So what does that mean..
5 rounds
100 double unders
1 min rest
5 rounds
30 box jumps
30 second rest
1) Tabata- Jumping lunges + Jumping Squats
2) Tabata- Double unders + Situps
3) Tabata- Leg extension
30 sec on/ 30 sec off
5 rounds of each exercise
1) Box jumps
2) Double unders
3) Jumping squats
4) Jumping lunges
1) Tabata- Jumping lunges + Jumping Squats
1) Tabata- bound the end of gym sprint back
30 sec on/ 30 sec off
5 rounds of each exercise
1) Bike
2) Box jumps
3) Double unders
4) Jumping lunges
5) Jumping squats
6) Double unders/sit ups