
Monday 4 November 2013

Crunch WODS

I've been injured for the past week or so.

Chiro said no lifting and no weight on my shoulders.

So what does that mean..


5 rounds 
100 double unders
1 min rest

5 rounds
30 box jumps
30 second rest

1) Tabata- Jumping lunges + Jumping Squats
2) Tabata- Double unders + Situps
3) Tabata- Leg extension

30 sec on/ 30 sec off
5 rounds of each exercise
1) Box jumps
2) Double unders
3) Jumping squats
4) Jumping lunges

1) Tabata- Jumping lunges + Jumping Squats
1) Tabata- bound the end of gym sprint back

30 sec on/ 30 sec off
5 rounds of each exercise
1) Bike
2) Box jumps
3) Double unders
4) Jumping lunges
5) Jumping squats
6) Double unders/sit ups

Monday 28 October 2013

Hatch Squat Cycle: Week 9 Day 1

I'll start with yesterdays WOD.

We had a choice of Cindy or Mary but because my shoulder still needs to recover 100% I subbed pullups and pushups for GHD situps and box jumps.

The WOD looked like this-

20 min AMRAP (As Many Times As Possible)
5 GHD situps
10 Box jumps
15 Squats

I got 14 + 9 reps
I ended up finishing it off so it was 15 rounds.

Then today we had-

10 rounds
100m Row Sprint
90 sec rest

Our score was the average time for each sprint. I got 24 seconds.
My head wasn't in the game today because I'm a bit run down... But I felt happier when I had time to do

Back Squat
1 x 5 @ 40kg
1 x 3 @ 47.5kg
1 x 2 @ 55kg
1 x 2 @ 60kg
1 x 1 @ 65kg

Front Squat
1 x 5 @ 37.5kg
1 x 4 @ 42.5kg
1 x 4 @ 45kg
1 x 4 @ 47.5kg

Then after work I went to Crunch with Lily. We decided to do a little strength type WOD and not even time it. This is what we did:-

Weighted lunges 55lbs
One legged Deadlift 16kg KB left
One legged Deadlift 16kg KB right'
Good morning 55lbs

Going to have a few rest days now, I've got so much going on I think the stress is taking its toll on my body physically. As much as I hate rest days I think its best. 

Saturday 26 October 2013

Crossfit WOD

I got a message from my friend Colleen the last week asking me if I wanted to do
5 x 1km runs with herself and Karen on Saturday morning at 6am.

I thought that sounded awesome! So I told Colleen I was keen and went along with my week.

So last night I get a message from Colleen just confirming the time we would meet in the morning and she wrote "Thought it would be smoother if we did: 5 x 800m run/1km row"

I assumed that meant 800m run OR 1km row... But I was wrong..

It was 5 x 800m AND 1km row!

My face when I found out..

But because of my shoulder I subbed 1km row for 200 Double unders

So todays WOD was

5 rounds
800m Run
200 Double unders

which equals to

4km Running
1600 Double unders!

Felt great!
Hope to do WOD like that every fortnight!

Treated myself to a chocolate chip cookie dough protein quest bar, microwaved with almond butter spread all over it... it was AHmazing!

Friday 25 October 2013

Hatch Squat Cycle: Week 8 Day 2

So... ridiculously tired.

But this morning we did this...Tabata Squats

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals

I got 20 each round! So my score was 20!

Then we had to do 4 minutes of max muscle ups or pullups and ring dips if you can't do muscle ups.
Well I can't do either so I did max effort GHD situps and back ext.
My score:
GHDs- 60 reps
Back ext- 30 reps

Then I had the opportunity to do Hatch squat cycle!

Back Squat
1 x 5@ 45kg
1 x 5@ 45kg
1 x 5@ 47.5kg
1 x 5@ 47.5kg
1 x 5@ 47.5kg

Front Squat
1 x 5@ 35kg
1 x 5@ 35kg
1 x 5@ 35kg
1 x 5@ 35kg

You know you're tired when its 8:30am on a Friday night, your 22 years old but your getting ready for bed!

Big day tomorrow
800m x 6 intervals!

Then work...

Then study...

Then crash

Thursday 24 October 2013

Hatch Squat Cycle: Week 8 Day 1

Had to wake up at 6am for a 7am Crunch training session because I had a chiro appointment at 8:30am. But then my chiro had to change my appointment to 8pm so I thought after I train at Crunch I can go do the 10am class at Crossfit...

So I continued doing my workout-

Back Squat
1 x 5 @ 43.875kg
1 x 5 @ 47.5kg
1 x 5 @ 50kg
1 x 5 @ 54kg

Front Squat
1 x 5 @ 34kg
1 x 5 @ 37kg
1 x 5 @ 37kg
1 x 5 @ 37kg

5 rounds
250m row
20 Weighted Lunges (60lbs)

My heart rate was through the roof and I was sweating up a storm which indicates to me I'm tired and under recovered.

When I got home I had a couple hours before Crossfit so I thought I would have a power nap. I fell asleep and woke up so flat and dizzy! So I had a shower and decided to stay home.

Slept another 1.5 hours and had 4 nightmares!

My digestive system is all over the place too. Amanda, the naturopath and manager at work reckons its because I'm stressed about uni. I think so too because every time I think of uni my whole body tenses up.

Oh well one more week to go then two exams and I'm done... Oh and the workbook and readings and study notes i have to do... :(

This is me post exams!

p.s Chiro said no training upper body until Wednesday! I've strained my front deltoid, should be ok with rest!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Crossfit WOD: Oh my shin!

So todays WOD was

6 rounds
400m run
25 pullups

Still don't want to do anything with my shoulders so I did this instead-

6 rounds
400m run
25 box jumps 24" box jumps

Everything was going good until round 5 came along...

Fell off the box in the exact same spot that I had cut open a few months ago!

I kept going and got-

Check out the war wound!

Went to uni and had an exam and presentation.
So when I got home I thought I deserved a treat!
Luckily yesterday I made some healthy homemade protein ice cream and left it in the freezer!
So I had that, in a non to healthy waffle cone! 
Recipe below

Protein Ice cream
250ml unsweetened almond milk
15g protein powder
5g cocoa powder
Stevia to taste

Mix together and freeze.
Once frozen defrost in microwave for 40 seconds then blend it up in a blender to break it up further.
Pop it in a waffle or bowl!

I also added almond butter... only because everything tastes better with almond butter!