
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Crossfit WOD: Oh my shin!

So todays WOD was

6 rounds
400m run
25 pullups

Still don't want to do anything with my shoulders so I did this instead-

6 rounds
400m run
25 box jumps 24" box jumps

Everything was going good until round 5 came along...

Fell off the box in the exact same spot that I had cut open a few months ago!

I kept going and got-

Check out the war wound!

Went to uni and had an exam and presentation.
So when I got home I thought I deserved a treat!
Luckily yesterday I made some healthy homemade protein ice cream and left it in the freezer!
So I had that, in a non to healthy waffle cone! 
Recipe below

Protein Ice cream
250ml unsweetened almond milk
15g protein powder
5g cocoa powder
Stevia to taste

Mix together and freeze.
Once frozen defrost in microwave for 40 seconds then blend it up in a blender to break it up further.
Pop it in a waffle or bowl!

I also added almond butter... only because everything tastes better with almond butter!

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