
Saturday 26 October 2013

Crossfit WOD

I got a message from my friend Colleen the last week asking me if I wanted to do
5 x 1km runs with herself and Karen on Saturday morning at 6am.

I thought that sounded awesome! So I told Colleen I was keen and went along with my week.

So last night I get a message from Colleen just confirming the time we would meet in the morning and she wrote "Thought it would be smoother if we did: 5 x 800m run/1km row"

I assumed that meant 800m run OR 1km row... But I was wrong..

It was 5 x 800m AND 1km row!

My face when I found out..

But because of my shoulder I subbed 1km row for 200 Double unders

So todays WOD was

5 rounds
800m Run
200 Double unders

which equals to

4km Running
1600 Double unders!

Felt great!
Hope to do WOD like that every fortnight!

Treated myself to a chocolate chip cookie dough protein quest bar, microwaved with almond butter spread all over it... it was AHmazing!

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