
Friday, 27 September 2013

Crossfit WOD: Is Don, Is Good


So today we did the Don which is a hero WOD to commemorate U.S. Marine Corporal Donald M. Marler, 22, of St. Louis, Missouri, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, died on June 6, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. 

Here is the WOD and what weights I used:

"The Don"
For time:
66 Deadlifts,  35kg
66 Box jump, 20 inch box
66 Kettlebell swings, 12kg
66 Knees to elbows
66 Sit-ups
66 Pull-ups
66 Thrusters, 15kg
66 Wall ball shots, 5kg
66 Burpees
66 Double-unders


I had to sub the pullups to ring rows because I tried to do the pullups but I kept feeling a massive pull in my shoulder! So I pretty much braced myself the whole time so I didn't feel as gassed after the wod, like I thought I would. I was so worried about my knee that I stepped down on each box jump when usually I bound back up which makes it faster but uses more energy. I also took the thrusters really slow because I was worried about my shoulder. I was happy with the wallballs though because I wanted to do sets of 10 and I did! Usually I say that but I end up doing 5 reps towards the end. I did rest a bit between sets. But considering my resting, subbing and bracing myself I got a good time.

On a different topic I'm pretty sure I have fructose malabsorption! What is that you ask?
Well here is a run down...

"Some people cannot completely absorb fructose in their small intestine-the beginning part of the digestive tract.  The undigested fructose is then carried to the colon where our normal bacteria rapidly devour it. In the process, the bacteria produce gases which cause the intestine to swell. This is experienced by the person as bloating, cramping, gas and distention. Diarrhea may also occur due to the undigested particles of fructose." -  Burkhart 2013

I was having stomach issues last year and I was wondering what it was and after loads of research and doing an elimination diet it turned out to be Iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is high fructose (0.3 - 0.6 gm fructose), and i was eating heaps of it so I remember cutting it out of my diet because I assumed I had a minor fructose malabsorption problem with it. 
But then recently I started suffering from the same symptoms so I went back into my fitness pal to see how I ate before when there was no problem. So I did that and just started eating the same again. But I STILL was suffering from the symptoms. But it dawned on me, in my morning smoothie instead of having banana, like I used to have, I was having grapes! I also noticed that when I would nibble on frozen grapes randomly during the day my stomach would start hurting again. I did some research and apparently grapes are really high in fructose! So it all makes sense now!
I feel so much better!

Photo from

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