
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Hatch Squat Week 3 Day 2

Week 3 Day 2

The day started with Crossfit!
We had to do Front squats first..
5-5-3-3-1-1-1 reps... AND I GOT 60KG!!!!

 I tried for the 62.5kg but failed it. Mick said I would of had it but I went too low :(
So I tried the 60kg again and got it again! SO happy! I have been waiting to get 60kg front squat for ages!
(Video below)

Then we had the workout of the day which was:
3 Rounds:
500m row or 400m run (depending on whether the rowers were free to use so I did the 400m runs)
12 Deadlifts @ bodyweight (I weigh 47.5kg so thats what I did)
21 Box jumps
My time was - 10:17min

Awesome WOD should of maybe done 50kg deadlift because I finished a few minutes earlier than most.

Then I went to uni. One of my lectures finished early and I had nothing to do before my last class, so I thought I would suss out the Uni gym. I couldn't help myself, I went and squatted. I ended up doing day 2 of week 3 of the hatch squat cycle.

Back Squat
1 x 10 @ 40.5kg
1 x 10 @ 43.5kg
1 x 8 @ 47.5kg
1 x 8 @ 50kg

Front Squat
1 x 5 @ 34.5kg
1 x 5 @ 37.5kg
1 x 5 @ 40.5kg
1 x 5 @ 40.5kg

Legs are JELLY!
I also did:
1a)Chest press cable machine 3 x10
1b)Pushups 3 x 10

2)Chess press machine 3 x 10

3)Shoulder press 3 x 10
Couldn't superset the last two because the machines were all taken.

Over all a good day! Here is the video from today. The first one is my first 60kg and the second is the other 60kg squat I did after failing 62.5kg.

Thanks Chuck :)

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