
Thursday 17 October 2013

Crossfit WOD: 62.5kg Front Squat PB: The power of the back slap!

So my shoulder is still injured so yesterday I did the WOD but I subbed burpees for 30kg back squats.

6 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
25 Burpees  30kg Back Squats


Today my adductors are so sore which tell me I push my knee out and I need to activate my glutes more! So I need to get on the bands before each session and start doing glute activation exercises the physio gave me

So today we did Front squats
Got up to 60kg easily..

Tried the 62.5kg and failed... then failed again..

Then Mick gave me a back slap and POW I got it easily!!

Moral of the story, never under estimate the power of a back slap!

New PB Front squat:


Tried to do hatch squat Week 7 Day 2 but I was wayyy too tired and sore.
I think my body needs a few deload days. I hate being injured its so demotivating... BUT MUST STAY FOCUSED!!!

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