
Sunday 20 October 2013

Hatch Squat Cycle: Week 7 Day 2

Back in business today!
Been feeling a bit under the weather lately. I think its more psychological stresses that are weighing me down, affecting my energy levels, and my rate of injuries/ recovery.
But the show must go on! Plus training is the best stress reliever ever!

I slept in today so Teleah and I went to crunch!

GNC represent today at Crunch!

This is what we did today:

Back Squat
1 x 4 @ 47.5kg
1 x 4 @ 50kg 
1 x 4 @ 55kg 
1 x 4 @ 57.5kg 

Front Squat
1 x 5 @ 35kg
1 x 5 @ 37.5kg
1 x 5 @ 40kg
1 x 5 @ 40kg

5 rounds 
20 Lunges w/55lbs bar on back
10 Box jumps
50 Double unders

Did 4 of those rounds with unbroken double undersssss! :) 

After this 'little' wod we were in a puddle of sweat! Don't underestimate the power of a 15min metcon! 

haha true story!

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