
Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Crossfit WOD

Todays WOD

15kg Overhead squat, 50 reps
100 Abmat sit-ups
25kg Overhead squat, 25 reps
50 V Sits
35kg Overhead squat, 10 reps
20 GHD sit-ups


I was so sore from yesterday so I didn't do a double session. I was also at uni so it makes it pretty hard to double up when I get home at 8:30-9pm!

But anyhow back to reflection of todays WOD. My old max for OHS was 35kg. A few months ago I got 40kg but I havent tried since. So today I was tossing up whether I should do 32.5kg or 35kg for the last 10 OHS considering my max was close to that. But I went with it and tried to 35kg. I smashed through the first 50 reps OHS, then the situps. Then smashed through the 25 reps OHS to the V sits which were super tough as my abs kept seizing up!

Then came the 10 reps 35kg OHS...

I wanted to get the 10 unbroken so badly but I got to 6 unbroken and stopped then did the last 4 unbroken. Mick walked passed and commented on my good form so I was happy with that. Plus I was stoked to get those reps out at that weight considering shoulder bursitis at the start of the year which stopped me from doing anything overhead for 2-3 months!

Anywho tomorrow is a rest day so ill sleep in but Crunch after work for sureeeee!

and yes this is a random photo of me doing a push press in a Duffman outfit :)

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