
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Hatch Squat Cycle: Week 6 Day 2

The day started off at Crossfit.

The workout of the day was this-
Five rounds of:
100 meter Sprint
Clean & jerk, 1 rep
Max reps Muscle-up  subbed for Max Pullups and Ring dips

This is what I got
Sprint/ Clean & Jerk/ Pullups/ Ring dips
1) 16 sec/ 35kg / 20 reps/ 12 reps
2) 16 sec/ 35kg/ 18 reps/ 11 reps
3) 19 sec/ 37.5kg/ 20 reps/ 14 reps
4) 18 sec/ 40kg/ 19 reps/ 13 reps
5) 19 sec/ 42.5kg/ 19 reps/12 reps

My reflections:

  • My sprints are really slow! haha
  • I was happy with my pullups
  • I did ring dips on a light band because I wanted to get as many as possible which will help me get stronger in the end. Not having no band and getting half the reps
  • The cleans felt so easy! After I did the 42.5kg even Merrick said I could have gone up it looked smooth!

Then I had an awesome day at work and went to crunch and did this crazy WOD! 


2 Rounds 
30 Burpees 
30 Front squat 27kg
30 Push-ups
30 Lunges 27kg
30 KB swings 16kg
30 Back squats 27kg

Back squats 
1 x 4 @ 50.4kg 
1 x 4 @ 54kg
1 x 4 @ 54kg
1 x 4 @ 54kg

Front squats 
1 x 5 @ 37.5kg
1 x 4 @ 43.5kg
1 x 4 @ 46kg
1 x 4 @ 46kg

Thanks JT 


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