
Saturday 12 October 2013

Crossfit WOD: 87.5kg Deadlift PB

So yesterdays WOD was


I got 80kg for 3 reps!!
So happy!

Then I attempted the 90kg deadlift which i've wanted for ages!
I failed the 90kg... I think I was too tired from the 3RM"s and the weeks volume in general.
I'll get it soon though!

Good news is I got the 87.5kg Deadlift new PB and here it is on video!

Then todays WOD was

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Handstand walk 10 yards I did 20 Handstand shoulder taps
15 foot L-rope climb, 1 ascent 1 did 1 normal rope climb
10 One-legged overhead squats, PVC pipe I did it with a box under me

I got 8 + 6 rounds.

I was so happy because last time I did shoulder taps I was struggling getting a couple out and I would have to stop. But today I did all of 20 unbroken on every round! I was stable and comfortable  I even did some slow which meant I had full control and my core strength has improved woo!
This goes to show me that working on my shoulder and back have really helped in other areas, such as handstands!

haha this photo cracks me up everytime! 

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