
Wednesday 2 October 2013

Hatch Squat Cycle Week 5 Day 2

It was a rest day at Crossfit today so I slept in. But I felt really weak and tired even though I slept 8-10 hours! Then I remembered I haven't been taking my iron tablets and I have a tendency to suffer from iron deficiency. So I started taking them again today so hopefully that will help. I even had a nap in the arvo that's how weak and light headed i felt!

But I felt better after my nap so I went into Crossfit at 7pm and squatted!

Today's Agenda-
I added sets of pull ups with the light band in between sets to get my back stronger

Back Squat
1 x 6 @ 43.5kg
2 x 5 Pullups
1 x 6 @ 50kg
2 x 5 Pullups
1 x 6 @ 54kg-57kg Well it was supposed to be 54kg but I did the maths wrong and it was actually 57kg
2 x 5 Pullups
1 x 6 @ 54kg- 57kg
2 x 5 Pullups

Front Squat
1 x 5 @ 34.5
2 x 5 Pullups
1 x 5 @ 37.5kg
2 x 5 Pullups
1 x 5 @ 40kg
2 x 5 Pullups
1 x 5 @ 40kg

While I was doing that Scott got a 10kg PR on his Snatch!!! 75kg!! 
Go Scott! 

Scott and I when we did our bushwalk on Sunday !

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