
Monday 21 October 2013

Crossfit WOD

This is what I did today!

I did a subbed version of "Dragon"

For time:
2.5km run - 11:14min
4 min to find 4RM Deadlift - 72.5kg
2.5km run- approx 13:30min
4 min to find 4RM Squat Clean- 35kg


I was pretty happy with my first 2.5km time!
It was such a great WOD. I haven't felt like I've been pushed out of my comfort zone like that in a few weeks. I collapsed on the floor after my last clean!

Then after work I met up with Lily and we did this-

5 rounds
20 weighted lunges
20 air squats
20 situps
20 box jumps


I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight!
A very full baby because I've eaten sooo much (good) food today!

But I guess my body needed fuel after today's effort!

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