
Tuesday 1 October 2013

Crossfit WOD: Snatch PB

So the Snatch and I don't get along too well.

But today it played nice because I got a 


So excited!!

Then we went to Crunch after work and did this

5 Rounds
10 Bent over rows
10 Back squats
10 KB swings
10 Burpees

Strict Press
1 x 10 @ 60% -18kg
1 x 8  @ 70% -21kg
1 x 6 @ 75% -22.5kg
1 x 4 @ 80%- 24kg

DB Bench
1 x 5 @ 60%- 27kg
1 x 5 @ 70%- 31.5kg
1 x 5 (actually did 8) @ 70%- 31.5kg
1 x 5 (actually did 6) @ 70%-31.5kg

So I'm going to try and use the hatch squat cycle for big moments.
This is how it will go down:

Monday- Shoulders/ Chest - High volume day
Tuesday- Back - High volume day
Thursday- Shoulder/Chest- Low volume day
Friday- Back- Low volume day

My theory is if its working for my butt why wouldn't it work for my chest, shoulders and back!
We will have to wait and see!

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